quarta-feira, 14 de janeiro de 2009

Cleaning Day

Today was the official cleaning day, I was really worried about all my clothes here in Norway, becaus I've been shopping a lot here. And now I am back in Stavanger and my room was a mess! So, early morning I wake up and tidied all my clothes and my things, put everything in order, after that, I vacuumed and washed my room, I replaced my bed and wardrobe, my shoes and everything, a new beggining here in Stavanger!

After the Infield Course at Hald, I will face new challenges here in Norway...I am excited but tired as well, I discover that maybe the european culture is not so good. I miss you being rounded with friends and hanging out, chilling out, but here people prefer be at home, alone, all the time. I felt so stressed at Hald because some internationals students are behaving themselfs as norwegians(in a wrong way)...so bad! But ok!

I am ready for the next 3 months here in Stavanger, I will do my best to make this experience awesome, for me and for people around me! As I said at Hald, let's stop to complain about everything and let's do something. I am sure, that God will help me on this!

ps: Mommy and sister are at beach, sun is shinning and they are enjoy a lot!

Um comentário:

by Carioca disse...

Hello! I really loved your posts. I hope you enjoy all of that things, at "home" (as you say)...Yes! Here is 35 degrees, but don't cut your fists, it just makes me drink some beers, go out to eat icecream, to take a "bronzed"...hahhahah
Bruno, nice to know about that things! Enjoy it and don't worry 'coz we keep on love with you!
hugs and peace