sábado, 3 de janeiro de 2009

Busy day!

Yes! Was a busy day, I had my first class at Hald...Hmm, yes class on saturday! Beside this fact, the class was really nice, because, was our first opportunity to review things for our stay here in Norway!

First step was discover our strenghts and positive points, this exercise was so good to see how God is mercyful with us. For me was a good time to share about things that makes me sad and sick. Is good to be with friends and feel a wonderfull atmosphere among internationals students. We started think 10h until 16h...Yeah, my head is working until now...But ok!

My girl is leaving Europe in this night! Tomorrow morning she will be in Brazil, so good, but so sad! Now is for real...6 months...But I can survive! At least I hope so!

Um comentário:

taisotsubo disse...

Oi Bruno!
Que legal ver suas fotos e o que tem acontecido ai!! =)
Não sabia que vc tinha um blog!
E muito menos que tava namorando!!! Parabéns!!! Presentão mesmo de Natal, hein...uma visita nessa época solitária na Noruega!
Olhando as fotos sempre dá a impressão...poxa, parece que ele ta aproveitando mais que eu! hahaha...Sabe, ne, a grama do vizinho é sempre mais verde!!! Mas fico feliz mesmo por vc! =)